Our history


IMTAS AS was founded under the name Industri og Maskinteknikk AS.


The first CNC machine is purchased.


The company grows further and moves into larger premises. The machine park undergoes a major expansion.


The company changes its name to IMTAS AS. The company Transportanlegg og Mekanikk AS was acquired.

The acquisition included buildings with workshops and offices.


A new business area, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, was established in 2010.


IMTAS is named Gaselle company of the year in Nordland county. The award is sponsored by Dagens Næringsliv and Dun & Bradstreet.

Requirements for companies participating in the awards:

  • 4 years or more since the company was established

  • The company must have had revenue growth over the last 4 years

  • Revenue to have more than doubled in the last 4 years

  • That the company has had a positive operating profit in all of the last 4 years

Our own marketing manager was hired.
We are moving into a new workshop in Mo Industripark.


A new business area is established and IMTAS Elektro AS is established. The business gets a new department that includes Engineering.


New business area within concrete installation. Setting up a new 1000 sqm workshop in Vika and moving at the end of 2013.


New business area within Refractory Services after the takeover of Sandberg Ildfast's equipment and personnel.


Start-up of a department in Harstad, offering production of white materials and workshop services.


Merger between IMTAS AS and IMTAS Prosjekt AS, with IMTAS AS becoming the holding company and IMTAS Prosjekt AS becoming the operating company. Increased focus on quality and HSE through the appointment of a new HSE manager.


Appointment of a new CFO.


Employment of a separate welding coordinator. IMTAS Harstad AS is established as an independent company.


IMTAS Personell AS is formed to improve control of externally hired resources.


IMTAS Harstad AS acquires and moves into new and larger premises.


We establish ourselves in Bodø with a workshop and offices.


We are co-locating all departments in IMTAS Prosjekt AS in Mo Industripark.


Acquisition of Vannkraftservice to offer services to the power and energy industry. We are certified according to. ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 3834-2 - and we become Eco-Lighthouse certified.